Connections Across the Timor Sea Exhibition

September 28th, 2010 jen Posted in 2010 Connections Across the Timor Sea, 2010 Friendship Celebrations, Art & Culture Projects, Art Exhibitions, Connections Across the Timor Sea Exhibition, Events, Friends of Suai News 2 Comments »

Connections across the Timor Sea 1941-2010 was an exhibition put together by the Friends of Suai as the first of a range activities planned to celebrate ten years of friendship with Suai. The exhibition was mounted  in partnership with local filmmaker Jen Hughes, artist Liz Milsom photographer Richard Jones and the Suai Youth Centre.

Held from mid-May to mid-June the exhibition included a video installation by Jen Hughes, Watercolours, letters, artefacts by Sgt George Milsom and Photographs by Suai youth.  It was opened by Abel Guterres, Timor-Leste Ambassador to Australia.

Jen Hughes has been following the Friends of Suai friendship and documenting it since December 1999. In her video titled ‘Unforgettable Selections from a Friendship’. Jen took the opportunity to bring some of that experience to the audience and highlight some of the art of Suai youth documented in the streets of Suai, or on canvas, in workshops and on-line using new media tools in George Milsom is the father of Port Phillip local artist Liz Milsom, who is a member of the Friends of Suai. George Milsom enlisted in the army and became a member of the 2/40th Battalion, that travelled to Kupan in Dutch Timor on the 8th December 1941. He later joined the 2/2nd battalion in East Timor. You can read more about him here. The photographs in the exhibition were taken by Suai youth in a photography workshop with Richard Jones in Suai in 2009 which is documented here.

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Pintura Foin Sae St Kilda 2008

September 1st, 2008 jen Posted in Art of Sergio da Costa, Friends of Suai News, Portraits-Tetun, Youth Portrait Exchange Comments Off on Pintura Foin Sae St Kilda 2008

31 Julho 2008 Jen posta iha Arte hosi Sergio da Costa, Noticia, Sergio da Costa: Pintura Ho Commentariu Editar

[Nota: clicar ba pintura bodi atu halo “galleria mosu sai, hotu tiha rolar/dada tama ba galleria usa butan ‘Next” ho ‘Back’ maka besik karuk no kwana nian leten]
[Hatudu hanesan demonstrasaun eslaide/pertunjukan slaid]

Ba naton (quandu) Pat Jessen hakara artista sira halo pintura kona ba Juventudu Suai, hau tau matan ba hau nia belun Sergio da Costa husu nia tulun/ajuda.Pintura ho desenhu sira ba tela/kain kampas kiik sira iha leten nee Sergio nian kontribusaun ba Pat Jessen nian projetu. Projetu nee bodik hadiaa fatin ba juventudu sira iha Suai atu tara hamutu ho pintura rihun ida maka juventudu sira hosi Port Phillip no hosi cidade ida iha Japaun naran Obu bodik arte galeria foun iha liras foun ida hosi St Kilda Town Hall (Prefeitura/Gedung Wali Kota Santa Kilda nian).

Imajen sira maka studente Australiana sira pinta tiha ona kona ba sira aan duuk fo contrapontu foin ida kona ba pintura fotografia sira hosi juventudu maka profiliku (menarik perhatian) kona ba websitu social hosi networking (rede de contatos). Pintura hosi ema oin nee loke luan fatin bodik konsepsu identidade maka mais fluida liu tan hosi autu-retratu fotografia nian.

Hau sei hein permissaun hosi professores arte escola nian bodik atu ‘upload’ (lori hatama ba websitu)galeria hosi studente Port Phillip sira nian pintura.

[Nota: Clicar ba retratu/pintura ida bodik atu halo ‘galleria mosu sai, hotu tiha dada teri ba galleria usa butan ‘Next’ ho ‘Back’ maka besik iha leten hosi sorin karuk no kwana.]


Pintura sira hosi studente iha cidade Obu iha Japaun incluir iha eksposisaun tan Port Phillip halo belun malu ho cidade Obu. Hau nian razaun bodik incluir pintura sira nee hosi nasaun tolu hamutu tan ita nian nasaun tolu nee ho sira nian istoria hamutu durante Secunda Guerre Mondial (Funu Raiklaran Dala Rua).

Ba naton (quandu) Sergio rona ami iha cidade, nia mai hasoru ami lori pintura bot tebes ida maka nia halo tihan kona ba uma lulik ida hosi Lautem, Los Palos, iha rai loro saen besik—la faek (nai bei) nian ulun besik. Quandu nia hatudu pintura nee ba Pat, imediatemente Pat horan kontente no husu nia halo pintura ida.
Aumenta tan Butan hosi Bookmark (Marcador de paginas]social.

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Pintura hosi Yuventudu Suai

August 19th, 2008 jen Posted in Drawings - Tetun, Friends of Suai News 1 Comment »

English Language
Primeiro Agusto, 2008, Jen Solok ou Posta iha Arte, Pintura hosi Yuventudu Suai, Jornal la iha komentar —Editar
[Hatudu hanesan demonstrasaun/pertunjukan eslaida]

Pintura hodi lapis no lapis sera por/oleh Domi.

Domi (iha oin) no Almeida ( iha kotuk) ho lawarik seluk sira.

Ba naton (quandu) Pat Jessen hosi Belun Suai, fo sai lia fuan katak material sira bodik arte rai hela iha Centru Communidade Suai bodik ema nurak (foin sae) sira atu usa, lawarik nain hat responde kedas/imediatemente. Domi, Almeida ho sira nain seluk sira (sira naran hau la hatene). Hau hanoin Domi tan nia mai iha Centru Comunidade sura loron. Domi nian pintura sira maka iha galleria leten nee. Hanesan ita bele hare, pintura sira nee balu copia (tiruan), balu mai hosi nian imaginasaun duuk [Hatudu hanesan demonstrasaun eslaide/pertunjukan slaid]

Pintura hodi lapis ho lapis sera por/oleh Almeida

Hau hanoin Almeida tan razaun hira nee. Primeira razaun, Alberto hosi ita nian belun sira iha Suai dehan ba hau katak nian sobrino ida ba iha Japaun tiha ona hanesan nuudar artista ida, no nia menan hadiah/premiu. Primeira razaun maka nee. Ba oras ami husu ba Sergio artista sira naran—artista sira maka ho interesa—nia katak ba ami kona ba Almeida. Hotu tiha nia lori ami ba Almeida nian uma. Ami hare Almeida nian uma hafutar nakonu hodi desenu/gambar no pintura/lukisan. Pintura ida maka hanesan tebes pintura ida maka hau hare tiha ona iha Sergio nian toba fatin no estudiu. Hotu tiha, ba oras grupu ida hosi ofisian media nian bodik atu halo istoria ida kona ba Suai hanesan cidade arte ida, sira mos ba hasoru Almeida. Iha leten nee pintura sira maka nia halo iha Centru Comdeunida

Iha kraik nee koleksaun hosi pintura maka lawarik mane sira (naran la iha) halo.

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St Kilda Youth Portrait Exhibition 2008

July 31st, 2008 jen Posted in 2008 St Kilda Youth Portrait Exhibition, 2008 Youth Portrait Exhibition, Art & Culture Projects, Art Exhibitions, Art of Almeida, Art of Atoy, Art of Sergio da Costa, Friends of Suai News, Portraits-English, Youth Portrait Exchange Comments Off on St Kilda Youth Portrait Exhibition 2008

[Note: Click on a photo to get the ‘gallery’ to pop up then scroll through the gallery using the ‘Next’ and ‘Back’ buttons near the top on the sides.]

Portraits of Youth by Sergio (see ‘Portraits of Youth 2000‘ and ‘Portraits 2000‘)

When Pat Jessen wanted artists to paint portraits of the youth of Suai we turned to my friend Sergio da Costa for help. The paintings and drawings on the small canvasses above are his contributions to her project. The project was to provide some paintings of young people in Suai to hang alongside over one thousand portraits painted by youth in Pt Phillip and Obu Japan for the new art gallery inside the new wing of the St Kilda Town Hall.

The images the Australian students have painted of themselves provide a refreshing counterpoint to photographic portraits of youth that are prolific on social networking websites. These painted portraits open up a space in which the concept of identity is more fluid than within photographic self-portraits.

I am waiting on permission from the schools’ art teachers to upload a gallery of the Pt Phillip students’ work.

[Note: Click on a photo to get the ‘gallery’ to pop up then scroll through the gallery using the ‘Next’ and ‘Back’ buttons near the top on the sides.]


Suai Portraits in St Kilda gallery


Obu Portraits from Japan

The portraits from students in Obu are included in the exhibition because of Pt Phillip’s sister city relationship with Obu. My reason for including them is of the link between our three countries due to our history in East Timor in World War 2.

When Sergio heard we were in town he came to see us with a huge painting he had made of a traditional Lautem or Los Palos house in the Eastern most part of East Timor – the head of the crocodile. When he showed that to Pat she commissioned a painting.

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