English version Suai Art City

Uluk tempo Indonesia, Suai rai ida nebe mak Cidade arte tebes.
Maibe agora Timor hetan independencia, Suai lahanesan uluk tamba funu iha tinan 1999, ema estraga sasan barak nebe mak iha relasaun ho arte nian. Agora jovem barak mak iha talento konaba arte, hanoin atu hari fila fali Suai hanesan tempo uluk maibe sei persija tempo nebe mak naruk.

Jovem ne’e naran Albino Gusmao agora nia nudar Professor hanorin iha Escola Primaria Ladi Suai. Nia mos iha talento konaba arte nian .Fila hosi eskola nia la haluha fahe tempo halo servisu hanesan pintador ou desenvolve ninia talento nebe mak iha ona.Almeida Gusmao,hela fatin Suai-Debos. Nia Estudante ida nebe mak iha talento konaba arte nian. Agora nia remata eskola iha Pre Secundaria de Ladi. Iha tinan 2005, Nia tuir kompetisaun lukis iha Jepang, representante Timor Leste. Nasaun nebe mak tuir kompetisaun ne’e hamutuk 25. Iha kompetisaun ne’e, nia hetan Segundo Lugar.

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One Response to “SUAI CIDADE ARTE”

  1. […] Tetun version: Suai Cidade Arte During the time of the Indonesian occupation, Suai was really a town of arts. But since Timor became independent, Suai is no longer as it used to be because of the 1999 violence, during which everything was looted and destroyed. The destruction included many things that relate to works of art. Now there are many young people who are artistically talented. The idea of rebuilding Suai as it once was before the destruction will take a long time. […]