Ohin,  loron ikus ba ami tuir treinu media konaba hakerek post. Aban ami nia treinador  Jen ho Annie atu fila ba Dili. Maibe ami sei kontinua nafatin konaba hakerek post no buat  seluk nebe mak sira hanorin ona mai ami. Buat nebe durante ami hanorin mak hanesan imovi, iphotos, photoshop, iweb, website, shooting and editing.

Ami mak tuir treinamento durante :

Jemi, Armando, Lin, Litu, Livanha, Ferdi, Anito, Natersia, Jero.

By Jemi and lin

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2 Responses to “LORON IKUS”

  1. Ami husu ba lin ho Jemi tengki estuda didiak atu nune emi bele hakerek informasaun iha website diak liu tan.

    Hosi Armando

  2. hey imi diak ka lae? hau espera ita bo’ot sira badinas los! haha. tenki hapara tanis agora, hau senti aban-bainrua treinu tan sei hetan!