Suai-Covalima’s Tais

July 28th, 2008 jen Posted in Suai Tais, Tais Weaving, Tradition Art & Identity Suai, Traditional Culture, YoMaTre 1 Comment »

Suai-Covalima’s Tais was written by
Ajay, Densi & Ameu who were made up one of the collaborative groups in the YoMaTre Digital Stories workshop held in Suai in June 20008. (Densi and the women in her family are weavers from Kamenassa near Suai.)

Tetun Version: Tais Suai Covalima

The Suai-Covalima’s tais are very beautiful since they have a variety of types and colours. The Suai-Covalima’s tais look most beautiful when they are worn during the ceremonies especially by women for dancing.

“The models of tais Covalima”, “Cotton tree”, “Cotton wool”, Cristalina Moniz, Residential Address: Fatuk Laran. Occupation: spinning traditional cotton wool”.

The process of turning cotton wool into threads takes a long time. Because of that only very few people who still make tais from the traditional—locally grown—cotton, while many women make tais from imported modern threads, that is, threads from Indonesia.

Traditional Threads
The making of traditional threads required the following materials:

A special shape of wood—beautifully crafted from solid wood for spinning.
A small bowel—traditionally either made form wood or mud for spinning.

Process of making traditional threads
1. It takes at least one month to spin the cotton
2. Boiling and drying cotton take one week
3. Rolling the cotton takes four days
4. Making design on the thread (turning into futus) takes two months
Modern thread
The process of making tais from modern threads is faster. Therefore more women prefer to make tais from modern threads. It is faster to roll, to dye and design.

“Modern threads (threads made in Indonesia)”, “Tais designed with flowers”, “Tais designed with names.”

Process of making tais from modern threads:
1. Rolling the threads
2. Dyeing the threads
3. Designing the threads (turning it into futus)
4. Colouring the threads by way of boiling them with colourful modern liquids).

Tais Designs
Tais can be designed with flowers, with names of people or places. There are diverse designs.

“welcoming the visit from the government”, “sitting together”, “preparation to welcome guests.”
The Role of the Tais in Timorese life
1. For wearing during the traditional ceremonies
2. For covering the dead bodies (the dead bodies are covered with layers and layers of tais, the quality and quantity of tais depend on the social status of the dead person)
3. For gift exchanges
4. For bride prize
5. For welcoming the visit of the government or the head of the Church, and for welcoming the statue of the Blessed Mother Mary (usually during the procession months for the Blessed Mother Mary, May and October.

The traditional threads still exist, but nowadays not so many women use traditional threads for making tais. More and more women use modern threads. This is simply because modern threads do not need a long process for making tais.

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Tais Suai Covalima

June 20th, 2008 lin Posted in News, Suai Tais, Suai Tais - Tetun, Tais Weaving, Tradition Art & Identity Suai, Traditional Culture, YoMaTre 1 Comment »

Hakerek Grupu 8 Istoria Digital Workshop by Ajay, Densi ho Ameu. Densi ho famili halo tais ba Kamenassa Suai besik.

English Version – Tais Suai Covalima

Tais suai Covalima, tais nebe furak no kapas tamba, nia modelo oin-oin no nia kor mos kapas. iha sira nia isin lolon, bain hira sira hatais hodi halo sermonia.

“ Modelu Tais covalima”“Kabas hun”“Kabas rahun” Cristalina Moniz; Hela fatin: Fatuk Laran Servisu: Halo tiris, kabas tradisional.”

Sasan atu hodi halo Kabas Tradisional iha maibe nia prosesu han tempu.ida
ne’e ema balu halo Kabas Tradisional, balu lahalo. tamba, nia prosesu ne’e kleur.
Ne,e mak ema barak uja kabas moderno, ne’e nia prosesu la-lais. .(benang buatan Indonesia).

Kabas Tradisional
Halo Kabas tradisional persija material:
– Tiris kabas hodi ai.
– Mankok ki’ik.

Prosesu Kabas Tradisional:
1. Halo tiris nia han tempu fulan 1
2. Tein no habai’I kabas han tempu semana 1
3. Hurun kabas han tempu loron 4
4. Tiha atu kesi sai ba futus fulan 2

Kabas Moderno:
Kabas moderno nia prosesu lais, ne,e mak ema
barak liu hakarak uja kabas moderno.
tamba, lalais hurun,tiha,kesi ba futus mos lais.

“Kabas moderno (benang buatan Indonesia)”“Tais futus ho aifunan” “Tais futus ho naran”

Prosesu Kabas Moderno:
1. Hurun kabas.
2. Tiha kabas.
3. Kesi kabas sai ba futus.
4. Tein kabas hodi aiwen. sai ba kor oin-oin.

Modelu Tais:
Tais beleh halo ba gambar aifunan,
beleh halo ba ema nia naran, ho
modelu oin-oin.

“simu visitasaun hosi governo”“tu’ur hamutuk”“preparasaun atu simu ema”

Fungsi Tais:
1. Hodi halo sermonia adat.
2. Hodi falun ema mate.
3. Hodi troka perenda.
4. Hanesan mak visitasaun hosi governo, ho nossa senhora.

Kabas tradisional sei iha nafatin mai be to’o agora ema ladun uja kabas tradisional, ema barak uja kabas moderno. Tamba, nia prosesu lalais.

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