Stories from the Youth of Suai – ‘Traditional Art & Identity’


Tetun Language
‘Stories from the Youth of Suai’ were written by participants in a digital stories workshop held in the Suai Youth Centre in June 2008 in response to a request for stories that symbolise Suai for the Port Phillip community and the international audience that visits suaimediaspace. The eleven participants had just completed a five day workshop, that for many represented their first encounter with computers, when they were thrown into discussions about symbolism, local and international audiences and asked to write some stories and take the photographs to accompany them for this website. To read the stories click on the thumbnails.

The students were all aged between about 18 and their early twenties and there was a restlessness towards the end of the second week due to the fact that the students expected a ‘media workshop’ would involve video cameras and editing software. The third week therefore was dedicated to a simple animation workshop in which the students photographed each other and themselves with mobile phones and digital cameras and animated them to music in iMovie. The result is the collection of Comic Videos.

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One Response to “Stories from the Youth of Suai – ‘Traditional Art & Identity’”

  1. […] English version Partisipantes sira iha workshop ida kona ba istoria digital nian maka hakerek ‘Istoria husi Joventude Suai’. Workshop nee ami halao iha Centru Joventude Suai iha fulan Junho 2008. Objetivu hosi workshop nee bodik atu fo responde ba pedido ida kona ba istoria sira maka simboliza Suai. Istoria sira nee bodik communidade Port Phillip no audensia internacional sira maka visita suaimediaspace. Participantes nain senulu resin ida foin remata sira nian workshop ida maka ami halao iha loron lima laran. Iha workshop nee sira barak maka foin isin dala uluk hasoru computador. Iha workshop nee nia laran ami halo sira halo diskusaun kona ba simbplisme, kona ba audiencia local ho internacional. Ami husu sira hakerek istoria no hasai letratu bodik acompania istoria sira maka iha websitu. […]