Pintura hosi Yuventudu Suai

August 19th, 2008 jen Posted in News 1 Comment »

English Language
Primeiro Agusto, 2008, Jen Solok ou Posta iha Arte, Pintura hosi Yuventudu Suai, Jornal la iha komentar —Editar
[Hatudu hanesan demonstrasaun/pertunjukan eslaida]

Pintura hodi lapis no lapis sera por/oleh Domi.

Domi (iha oin) no Almeida ( iha kotuk) ho lawarik seluk sira.

Ba naton (quandu) Pat Jessen hosi Belun Suai, fo sai lia fuan katak material sira bodik arte rai hela iha Centru Communidade Suai bodik ema nurak (foin sae) sira atu usa, lawarik nain hat responde kedas/imediatemente. Domi, Almeida ho sira nain seluk sira (sira naran hau la hatene). Hau hanoin Domi tan nia mai iha Centru Comunidade sura loron. Domi nian pintura sira maka iha galleria leten nee. Hanesan ita bele hare, pintura sira nee balu copia (tiruan), balu mai hosi nian imaginasaun duuk [Hatudu hanesan demonstrasaun eslaide/pertunjukan slaid]

Pintura hodi lapis ho lapis sera por/oleh Almeida

Hau hanoin Almeida tan razaun hira nee. Primeira razaun, Alberto hosi ita nian belun sira iha Suai dehan ba hau katak nian sobrino ida ba iha Japaun tiha ona hanesan nuudar artista ida, no nia menan hadiah/premiu. Primeira razaun maka nee. Ba oras ami husu ba Sergio artista sira naran—artista sira maka ho interesa—nia katak ba ami kona ba Almeida. Hotu tiha nia lori ami ba Almeida nian uma. Ami hare Almeida nian uma hafutar nakonu hodi desenu/gambar no pintura/lukisan. Pintura ida maka hanesan tebes pintura ida maka hau hare tiha ona iha Sergio nian toba fatin no estudiu. Hotu tiha, ba oras grupu ida hosi ofisian media nian bodik atu halo istoria ida kona ba Suai hanesan cidade arte ida, sira mos ba hasoru Almeida. Iha leten nee pintura sira maka nia halo iha Centru Comdeunida

Iha kraik nee koleksaun hosi pintura maka lawarik mane sira (naran la iha) halo.

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August 18th, 2008 jen Posted in Media Opportunity for Suai, News, YoMaTre 1 Comment »

Regional Media House on the Agenda for Suai

June Meeting about Broadband Access in Suai

(This was written months ago but I forgot to publish it sorry everyone – .


The first Uma Media Rejional (Regional Media House) has been set up in East Timor to cover the Districts of Baucau, Lautem and Viqueque. Now, thanks to the presence of YoMaTre and the suaimediaspace website, the Regional Media House project team have put Suai on the list for investigating the feasibility of placing one in Suai.

Many friends of East Timor know Emanuel Braz through his work as Co-ordinator of ‘Friends of Bacau’, as well as for his regular presence at gatherings relating to East Timor. Emanuel has been working in East Timor on media development with the International Centre for Journalists since 2006. Emanuel saw the suaimediaspace website and discovered YoMatre, the media group set up by the Suai Media Arts Group with funds and support from the Friends of Suai. The ICFJ Project Team had not been planning to open a Media House in Suai but have now put it on the list for consideration.

Baucau was the first of five media hubs planned for at the district level, to foster community media development and increase the flow of news and information to and from the districts. According to the fact sheet of the Project Team it is expected that at least one other Regional Media House will be set up in the western regions of the country in 2008. Indications are this will be in Suai where the community is disadvantaged by its isolation and lack of Internet access. Its feasibility will depend on further funding and co-operation with Timor Telecom in Suai.

The International Centre for Journalists through the Special Projects Team of the Timor-Leste Media Development Institute (TLMI) in partnership with four national journalism associations is implementing the project.

“The Regional Media House Project will be funded in its set up year by the Strengthening Independent Media Program in Timor-Leste (SIMPTL). It is foreseen that in future Media Houses will be supported and funded through national media fundraising initiatives”. (Fact Sheet SIMPTL)

The Regional Media Houses will offer both professional and logistical support to district-based media outlets and journalists. It will provide training for district journalists, foster new media development initiatives in the area, provide a focal point where local radio stations can go for technical support, link local media to capital media and provide local journalists with access to the Internet and a phone line. Providing low cost local Internet access for the local community through an Internet café is also a possibility.

Emanuel said they hope to link the five houses via the Internet so “there can be a constant flow of information and news around the country”. At this point it is “very expensive but hopefully it will be more affordable towards the end of the year as we hear rumours Timor Telecom may open up for other internet service providers to operate in Timor”.

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Returning from Suai with stories and pictures

August 7th, 2008 jen Posted in Internet Workshops for Youth, Media Workshops Suai, News Comments Off on Returning from Suai with stories and pictures

I’m back at my desk in my warm room in freezing Melbourne after a month in Suai that was warm in every way.

I worked with Annie Sloman ex Bibi Bulak, more recently of Jogjakarta, who is fluent in Tetun and very good now with Indonesian too who knows how to engage Timorese young people through her 5 years experience working there.

We held workshops in writing stories for sms and basic digital photography, converting them for the web and uploading through the terribly slow Timor Telecom in Suai. Hey – why am I complaining – at least they are there!

But the news about the internet in Suai is postively wonderful – following our previous stories – the latest word from Emanuel is that Broadband will be at the Youth Centre and the Friends of Suai Community Centre by October this year ! Too late for me to give them workshops this year – but c’est la vie for the people of Suai it’s brilliant.

I’ve just finished uploading the photographs to the stories our workshop groups wrote so you can see them below in news and in various other categories. I’ve finished uploading the animated movies they made using stills, music and imovie.

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Stories from the Youth of Suai – ‘Traditional Art & Identity’

July 29th, 2008 jen Posted in News, Tradition Art & Identity Suai, YoMaTre 1 Comment »


Tetun Language
‘Stories from the Youth of Suai’ were written by participants in a digital stories workshop held in the Suai Youth Centre in June 2008 in response to a request for stories that symbolise Suai for the Port Phillip community and the international audience that visits suaimediaspace. The eleven participants had just completed a five day workshop, that for many represented their first encounter with computers, when they were thrown into discussions about symbolism, local and international audiences and asked to write some stories and take the photographs to accompany them for this website. To read the stories click on the thumbnails.

The students were all aged between about 18 and their early twenties and there was a restlessness towards the end of the second week due to the fact that the students expected a ‘media workshop’ would involve video cameras and editing software. The third week therefore was dedicated to a simple animation workshop in which the students photographed each other and themselves with mobile phones and digital cameras and animated them to music in iMovie. The result is the collection of Comic Videos.

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Food Crisis

July 28th, 2008 jen Posted in Food, Food, Tradition Art & Identity Suai, Traditional Culture, YoMaTre 5 Comments »

Tetun Version: Krizi Hahan
The Food crisis has considerably preoccupied the mind of the Timorese people as the price of the rice is skyrocketing beyond the purchasing power of majority of the Timorese. The price of one sack of rice is now US$32.00, more than twice as high as the price before the crisis. Many people cannot afford to buy even just one sack of rice. Consequently, many Timorese are forced to return to their indigenous diets, such as, corn, cassava, banana, papaya, and other locally grown foods.

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Traditional Sacred House of Fohoren

July 24th, 2008 jen Posted in Architecture, News, YoMaTre 4 Comments »

Tetun version: Uma Lulik Tradisional Lakon Kalae?

See More  Photographs here.

This is the traditional sacred house of Timor, particularly in Covalima. The traditional sacred houses still exist. Our ancestors have passed on to us these traditional sacred houses from one generation to another. Traditional sacred house is very, very sacred. Therefore, whenever we are in the traditional sacred house, it is forbidden to talk, to chat and to put on hat. In addition, the elders are to be respected. People have to follow their words of wisdom. If not, then the punishment from the Above, the High in sky, would descend on you taking the forms of: death, being barren/having no children, becoming mad, or becoming confused and restless. Therefore, we Timorese really adore and respect our traditional sacred houses and our elders.

Tuar Hamutuk iha Uma
Sitting together in a sacred house

“Sitting Together”

The process of building a traditional house needs a very long time. It involves many meetings, working together and traditional ceremonies.

The community members have to sit together. All the members who belong to one sacred house or uma lulik get together to make plan for the construction of the uma lulik. This includes those who married to people of other tribes and to the non-Timorese—the white and non-white foreigners—but who have not abandoned, and should not abandon, their traditional practices. All members of the sacred house (community) get together to make preparation for the building and the completion of the sacred house which ends with a very big celebration that lasts several days, in the past, even weeks. During this celebration of uma lulik people from other communities are invited. Preparation for the celebration of the completion and the blessing (traditional blessing) of the sacred house involve the preparations of buffaloes, pigs, goats, rice, local alcohol, tais, cova (traditional male and female baskets called cova mane and cova feto) and others for the celebrations.

Serimonia oho fahi

“Ceremony of slaughtering of pigs as an offering”

When the two main pillars for the sacred house have been found suitable, a small religious ceremony is conducted before the cutting of the trees for the pillars. A pig is slaughtered and the blood of the pig is sprinkled at the bottom of the trees and a prayer is said, led by an elder, before the trees are cut down. After that an offering of cooked heart of the pig and cooked rice, along with beetle nuts and beetle leaves are offered at the bottom of the trees. This is a sign of respect for the trees and a way of asking permission from the spiritual owners of the trees (the spirits of the land/the forest which is seen as being sacred).

Ta' ai rin Halas Uma

“Cutting trees for the pillars”or“Putting the ‘bones’ of house.”

The two main pillars are named after the names of the Grandfather and Grandmother of the sacred house community. The Grandfather is the south pillar which becomes the place in the house for sacred adoration, prayers and offerings, for the elder of the use to bless the members of the sacred house by means of what is called kaba. The ceremony of kaba is as follows. The offering in the form of beetle nuts and beetle leaves putting in a specially made female koba/cova (small and beautifully made basket) is made to the ancestors and is put on the bottom of the Grandfather’s pillar. After a prayer was said by the elder, the beetle nuts and beetle leaves are eaten by the elders but not swallowed. The elder then makes a mark on the chests and foreheads of the members of community with the crushed beetle nuts and leaves from his mouth mixed with saliva. And this is called kaba. The female pillar with the name of the grandmother is on the north where the kitchen is. It is just referred to is grandmother or bei feto. It is here in this side of the female pillar—the grandmother—that sacred baskets, sacred pots, sacred spoons and plate, sacred inheritance and others are kept.

Tali Halibur Hamutuk

Collecting ropes/strings and leaves together and putting the bones of house.

Collecting together grass/palm leaves

Having putting together the bones (woods) of the house tied tightly with strings from the forest, the roof of the house is put. The roof consists of either certain type of grass called hae manu lain for the people in highland where there are no palm tress or the leaves of the palm trees for the people in the coastal area and lowland. All these are done together in the group.

Having putting together the bones (woods) of the house tied tightly with strings from the forest, the roof of the house is put. The roof consists of either certain type of grass called hae manu lain for the people in highland where there are no palm tress or the leaves of the palm trees for the people in the coastal area and lowland. All these are done together in the group.

Hosi Uma

The Result of the process of building sacred house

The result of the process of constructing a sacred house is as follows. All the members of the uma lulik (the community) are very happy, although the process of building a sacred house is very long—a one-year-long process.

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Suai Art City

July 24th, 2008 jen Posted in News, Tradition Art & Identity Suai, YoMaTre 2 Comments »

Tetun version: Suai Cidade Arte

During the time of the Indonesian occupation, Suai was really a town of arts. But since Timor became independent, Suai is no longer as it used to be because of the 1999 violence, during which everything was looted and destroyed. The destruction included many things that relate to works of art. Now there are many young people who are artistically talented. The idea of rebuilding Suai as it once was before the destruction will take a long time.
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Uma Lulik Tradisional Lakon Kalae?

July 9th, 2008 jen Posted in Architecture-Tetun, News, Tradition Art & Identity Suai, Traditional Culture, YoMaTre 2 Comments »

English Version Traditional House Story

“Uma lulik Tradisional Fohorem” (Buka slideshow fotografi iha-ne’e)

Ida ne’e mak uma lulik tradisional ami Timor nian, liu-liu iha Covalima no uma lulik tradisional Timor sei la lakon tamba bei ala sira rai hela mai ami no sei lahalakon hosi jerasaun ba jerasaun.Uma lulik tradisional lulik tebes. Tamba sei wainhira ita tama ba uma lulik laran labele kanta,halimar,no labele uja sapeo,no tenqui respeito ema katuas ou halo tuir sira nia lia fuan,se karik lahalo tuir lia fuan nebe iha leten mak sei fo malisan mak hanesan: mate,oan la iha,bulak,moris la hakmatek nebe ami timor adora teb-tebes uma lulik.

Tuar Hamutuk iha Uma

Tur hamutuk iha uma Lulik

“Tuir Hamutuk”

Prosesu halo uma lulik tradisional persija tempo naruk teb-tebes no tenqi lao hamutuk ho serimonia adat.

Tenki tur hamutuk tamba,liu hosi tur hamutuk mak bele halibur famalia tomak maski balun kaben ho ema malae mutin maibe sei lahaluha iha uma lisan ida ne’e nia laran hodi tau hamutuk ideia hodi harin uma ida ne’e no oinsa preparasaun hanesan karau,fahi, fos, no seluk-seluk tan hanesan material dapur.

Serimonia oho fahi

Serimonia oho Fahi

“Sermonia oho fahi”

Molok ta,a ai rin tenki oho fahi,hodi hisik fahi ran iha ai hun nebe mak atu ta’a.

Ta’ ai rinHalas Uma

‘Ta airin” “Halas uma”

Ai rin ne’e mak hanaran bei mane no Bei feto, Bei mane iha lor ,no nia hanesan fatin adora lulik, kaba, mak hanesan simbolu ida ou marka hatudu katak ema ne’e uma lisan ida ne’e nian Bei feto mak iha ahi matan rai matrial lulik ba hanesan tanasak lulik,sanan lulik no seluk tan.

Tali Halibur Hamutuk

“Halibur tali”

Tali halibur hamutuk ho halas

Halibur hamutuk

Tali tahan ou du,ut mak hanesan material nebe atu usa hodi sor uma lulik, prosesu halibur tali ou du,ut (lata hae/du ,ut), molok lata dut/hae uma halas hotu ona.

Hosi Uma

Resultadu hosi prosesu uma lulik

Resultado hosi prosesu halo uma lulik mak ne’e.Ami familia uma lisan ida ne,e sinte kontente teb- tebes maski iha prosesu halo uma lulik ne’e naruk no bele han tempo tinan ida.

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Joventude Hari Dame no Unidade iha Timor Leste

July 9th, 2008 ferdi Posted in YoMaTre, Youth Suai 2 Comments »

Krisi Dili 2006

“Kantor palacio governo nia oin”

Krizi mosu iha rai Timor Leste (TL) hahu iha tinan 2006 liu-liu iha kapital Dili. Joven balu mak involve a’an iha krizi ne,e, tamba sira hatene iha nasaun ne’e seidauk loke servico ba joven sira. Tamba governo foun no joven balu lakoi pasensia sira hakarak lakoi terustan buka servico, sira hakarak governo tengki interese sira nia moris no fo servico ba sira, ne’e duni joven balu mak lahetan serviso no halo asaun hasoru guverno.

Joven Covalima

“Joven Distrito Covalima” Joven iha distrito Covalima la involve a’an iha krizi.Tamba joven iha distrito Covalima hari dame no unidade hodi hametin joven distrito Covalima.Tamba iha centro juventude Covalima mak halibur joven sira iha distrito Covalima tomak, hodi loke no haklaok programa oin-oin ba aktividade joven nian iha Covalima.

Centro Joventude Covalima hari iha fulan April 14 – 2001.

Objetivo hari Centro Juventude Covalima atu kapasita joven Covalima tomak nebe’e mak la kontinua eskola tamba problema ho ekonomia. Ho ida ne’e Centro Juventude Covalima hari no loke programa ba joven sira mak hanesan: Treinamento Media, Teatro, Lideransa ho Kursu komputer Microsoft Word, Exsel ho Kursu Inglish nsst. Ho treinamento oin-oin ba joven sira atu bele aumenta kapasidade joven nian no atu hamenus problema iha rai Timor Leste (TL). Liu-liu iha distrito covalima nia laran.

Kantor Centro Juventude Logo Centro Joventude

“Kantor Centro Joventude Covalima”

Fatin ida ne’e mak hanesan hodi kapasita Joven sira iha distrito covalim no fatin ida ne’e sai hanesan fatin historia ba joven sira iha distrito covalima ne’e nia laran. 04-Logo-Centro-web.jpg“Logo Centro Joventude Covalima” Logo ida ne’e hanesan simbol Centro Joventude Covalima nian no logo mos bele fo funsaun ida ba NGO hodi nune hosi guverno no nasaun liur bele kuynese liu.

“Treinamento Media”

Treinamento media, treinamentu idane atu aumenta joven sira nia kapasidade ho nune joven sira labele hamosu problema iha rai laran no iha sirania vida moris. Sira nebe tuir treinamentu

1. Lin (kaer kamera), 2. Natersia (iha liman los), 3. Armando (iha sorin), 4. Zero (Intervista ema), 5. Ferdi (Iha sorin), 6. Eta (Ikus liu hosi lina) no Sr. Florindo (intervista ka hato’o liafuan).

Media TrainingTreinamento Teatro

Treinamento-Media Treinamento-Teatro

“Treinamento Teatro” Treinamento Teatro ida ne’e atu aumenta joven sira nia kapasidade, no hosi treinamentu ida ne’e sira bele hatene ema ida-ida nia karakter.Objetivo tuir treinamento teatro:Atu fahe informasaun liu hosi drama ho adegan nebe mak iha, halo drama comico ba ema nebe mak tristi ka laran susar iha tempo trauma nia laran.

Kursus Komputer Treinamento Lideransa

Kursus-Komputer Treinamento-Lideransa

“Kursus Komputer” kursus komputador atu aumenta sira nia kapasidade ba sira nia moris,atu bele hodi buka serviso ba sira nia a’an.nomos atu nune bele ivita sira do’ok hosi problema nebe fo inpakto ba sira nia vida.

“Treinamento Lideransa” Treinamento Lideransa atu aumenta joven sira nia kapasidade no hosi treinamento ne’e sira bele hatene oin sa sai hanesan ema lideransa nebe mak diak atu foti ita nia rai Timor Leste. Ema nebe mak tuir treinamento mak tuir mai ne’e: Ferdi (Iha oin), Lin (iha sorin karuk), Natersia (iha kotuk), July (iha sorin los), Kalis (iha kotuk ikus liu).

Kursus Inglesh


“Kursus Inglesh” kursus inglesh atu aumenta sira nia kapasidade ba sira nia moris,atu bele hodi buka serviso ba sira nia a’an.nomos atu nune bele ivita sira do’ok hosi problema nebe fo inpakto ba sira nia vida. Sumario: Timor leste mosu krizi no aktividade governo lao ladiak tam ba joven baluk mak involbean iha krizi ne’e.Iha distrito covalima hari fatin joven nian hanesan Centro Joventude Covalima.Centro Joventude Covalima loke aktividade ba joven no programa oin-oin hodi kapasita joven sira nia intrese iha sirania vida moris no halo sira hadok an hosi problema nebe inpaktu ba sira. Friday, 13 June 2008

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Krizi Hahan – Food Crisis

July 8th, 2008 lin Posted in Food - Tetun, News, Tradition Art & Identity Suai, Traditional Culture, YoMaTre 2 Comments »

English Version: Food Crisis

Krizi hahan ne’e prekupa bot ida tebes ba ema Timor tamba fos folin sae halo ema barak labele sosa fos. Ema nebe mak laiha osan labele sosa fos tamba fos folin caru liu hanesan saco 1 $32.00. Ho rasaun ida ne’e ema Timor barak fila fali ba hahan tradisional hanesan batar, Aifarina, Hudi, Aidila ho buat seluk nebe mak ema Timor bele han.”

Intervista Senhor Antonio Moniz Mall – World Food Program – Suai
Tambasa mak krizi mosu iha timor leste?
Tuir Sr. Antonio nia hanoin katak krizi hahan ne’e mosu hosi ema ida-ida nia a’an rasik tamba lakoi halo serviso hanesan ema agrikultur; lakohi halo to’os ou baruk ten. Maibe hau fiar katak ema Timor bele moris ho hahan tradisional.

“Oinsa impakto kona ba krizi ne’e?
Krizi ne’e impakto bo’otba povo Timor tamba sasan folin sae no ema barak osan menos no labele sosa fos, tamba fos karon ida $32, nomos sasan seluk tan. Tuir ema seluk nia hanoin, hare, nomos rona katak krizi hahan ne’e mosu tamba, kondisaun naturais mak hanesan udan bot, anin, bai loro naruk.

Foto hahan Tradisional
Batar mak hanesan hahan original Timor nian, maski ema Timor iha hahan oin-oin hanesan hudi, aifarina, aidila. aibe ema timor hare liu ba batar, Batar ne’e ema Timor mengola sai ba oin-oin atu hodi susutenta sira nia moris loro-loron.

Foto Ai Han timor
Hudi mos hanesan aihan Timor, maibe hudi dala ruma ema Timor usa hanesan hahan mata bisu, Ema barak mak hudi hodi halo dosi, pisang goreng no buat seluk nebe sira bele halo tuir kapasidade ema ida-idak nian.

Aidila mos hanesan ai han ida nebe mak ema Timor bele han, Nomos sira bele halo modo liu hosi nia tahan ho fuan. Aidila nia tahan mos bele halo aimoruk hodi halakon isin kole, laran beik no malaria.

Istoria badak ida ne’e hosi ami gropu III kona Ba krizi hahan iha Timor Leste. Maibe ami fiar katak ami timor sei moris nafatin ho aihan tradisional.

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