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Graffiti Suai July 2000

August 8th, 2008 jen Posted in 1999, Graffiti & Public Art, Graffiti July 2000 Comments Off on Graffiti Suai July 2000

I video-taped this graffiti in July 2000 which was 11 months after the massacres that forced the whole population of Suai to flee to the hills in September 1999. I will post a video asap.

[Note: Click on a photo to get the ‘gallery’ to pop up then scroll through the gallery using the ‘Next’ and ‘Back’ buttons near the top on the sides.]

This graffiti is all written in Indonesian – whereas now (2008) it is mostly in Tetun or Portuguese reflecting the real changes in the language being used daily and to whom the graffiti artists are addressing their comments.

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